I-am… is a self-reflective exercise on what makes me, me.
In our busy lives, we can often put ourselves last and lose sight of who we are in amongst it all. We don’t often take time to remember who we are and much less often evaluate each part of what makes us, us.
I know what it is like to wear many masks in public (especially as a 4) and as such, I often lose sight of who I truly am. So, I created this exercise for myself and others as a self-reflection, an exercise to think just about who I am. To put together each part of what makes us unique, both the good and the not so good! Knowing and accepting who we are, is the first step towards Emotional Intelligence.
Feel free to fill this out in one go or little by little. Take it at your own pace. You can either fill it in digitally and keep it accessible or print it and fill it in the old fashioned way.
This is a great activity for anyone of any age or gender. Let me know what you think!