Melanie is a Youth, Parenting and Leadership Counsellor/Coach. She is the Director of Active Learning International Pty Ltd, the umbrella organisation of the Play of Life, a member of the International Enneagram Association (IEA) and the Founder of Enneagram.rc.

Melanie has had extensive training in the Enneagram and the Play of Life® and incorporates her unique blend of both into her work with clients. As well as providing counselling for young people and their parents/guardings, Melanie runs workshops, seminars, and training for leaders and their teams. Her clients have included NSW HealthShare, NSW Ministry of Health, Origin Energy, Expedia (NL), Sydney International Grammar School and various not-for-profit organisations. Melanie has presented at national and international conferences including Argentina and the Netherlands.
Melanie’s parents immigrated to Australia from Argentina before she was born, so Melanie grew up speaking both Spanish and English at home. Melanie studied French in High School and is currently learning Dutch. Being multilingual has proven to be highly advantageous for Melanie’s work overseas. It has also helped her pursue her other great passion which is singing opera.
Melanie discovered she had a High Soprano voice in her teens and began professional training in her last years of High School. Melanie chose singing as one of her HSC subjects and in 19– graduated from the McDonald College, an independent school with a speciality in the creative and performing arts. Melanie continues her training as a Coloratura Soprano and sings for weddings, funerals and corporate events.
Melanie lives with her husband Sven and son in Sydney, Australia with their cat Mr. Chicken.